Christmas is by far my favourite time of year. I eagerly anticipate Christmas decorations appearing around town, and thoroughly enjoy seeing the different decoration themes and colours available in stores each season. Christmas is also the best time for VM installations - window browsing becomes an experience at Christmas, more so than any other time of year.
While I was browsing the decoration aisle at one store this year, I noticed the mini bell wreaths - some were round, some were heart-shaped, others stars - and decided to make my own. I already had all the materials I needed, but they are also readily available at your local craft or $2 store. I decided to stick with the traditional round shape, and I’m pretty happy with the result! They were also super quick and easy to make.

I used 36 bells per wreath, which created a 55mm diameter decoration. This allowed for four wreaths out of my packet of bells. This size (55mm) also worked best for my tree, so I recommend tailoring the size of your wreath to the size of your tree branches.
The wire I had on hand was also very flexible, so using a more rigid wire would be best if you wanted to create a heart or star wreath, just to ensure they hold their shape when hanging on your tree. Just remember the wire has to be thin enough to thread through the bells.

A packet of mini bells
Crafting or floristry wire
Thin ribbon or twine
Sharp scissors*
*Wire cutters (scissors were fine for my wire, but if you are using a thicker, more rigid wire you may also need wire cutters)

1. Decide on your wreath size and shape (you can adjust as you go if need be).
2. String the bells onto the wire.

3. Continue until you have your desired size wreath.
4. Tie a half knot/shoe lace knot to tightly pull the bells together. You don't want any spaces/gaps in the wire, otherwise, the bells will move when you hang your decoration.

5. Continue to twist the wire to secure the knot and ensure the bells stay in place. When you are happy the wire is secure, trim as close as you can to the knot, and hide any excess wire within the wreath.

6. Carefully re-shape your wreath as the wire may have gotten a bit squashed during the knotting and twisting phase.
7. Take your ribbon and loop it through the wreath, then cut to desired length. I secured my ribbon with a simple knot/overhand knot, but you may wish to tie a bow.
8. Your decoration is now ready to hang on your tree.
The wreaths I saw in store cost $10 each, and I know my packet of bells only cost $2.50 (it still had the price sticker on it). So I'm very happy with my four wreaths for less than a cup of coffee.

All images by Harrington Creative